"I wish I had a private pool of engaged talent."

"I don't want to rely on a third-party intermediary - I want my managers to have access to talent."

"Our brand is great; we need to leverage it to attract more candidates!"


Do these sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. The workforce is changing. Direct Sourcing is quickly moving from a “nice to have” to a “must have” for all types of organizations. But many struggle with where to begin and what a successful program looks like. This webinar, featuring Everest Group, will bring you insights and practical considerations for building a customized direct sourcing program that addresses your specific needs.

Discussion highlights from our panel will include:

  • Demystifying common misconceptions around direct sourcing
  • Adoption approaches and key elements for a successful program
  • Insights on potential program challenges and how to tackle them
  • Showcasing success: benefits of implementing a direct sourcing program

We hope to see you there. And if you haven’t already, make sure you download the Everest Group research report, Direct Sourcing for Contingent Workforce.


Watch it now!

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